
A weekly brushing is required. The ear canals should receive special attention, because they have floppy ears. Clean them with a specific solution, weekly. Who bothers with the spread and fall of the hair should use good quality rations.

In the baths, data with shampoo or soap themselves, should be well rinsed not to remain residues and, consequently, does not harm the skin of your Golden. The use of a good conditioner for dogs is indicated to soften the hair.

The Golden Retriver puppies are the most docile of all, are very smart and love to play. In competitions are agile and obedient, and with children are behaved and very playful. Its weight is from 30 kg to 40 kg, but some large males were registred with up to 47 kg, which is not considered standard deviation of the race, provided that the physical proportions are in line. It is strongly recommended that your diet is controlled, because the overweight aggravates the evils of dysplasia.

The males have up to 56-61 cm and the females have up to 51-56 cm.

Why to have a Golden Retriever

  • Because they're loving and companion.
  • Because they're extremely obedient and intelligent.
  • Because they're cheerful and sturdy.
  • For simple handling.
  • For easy temperament to deal with.
  • For mate and procreate with ease.
  • For being subject to few serious ailments.
  • For longevity and reach old age in good condition.
  • Because it is an excellent family dog.
  • Because is affectionate and sociable.
  • Because is predisposed to obedience.
  • Who should not have Golden Retriever?

  • Who hasn't time for the dog.
  • Who wants a dog that serves to guard.
  • Who can not pay attention to the dog.
  • Who does not want to risk having a dysplastic dog should look for dogs with good provenance.
  • Who can not provide exercise and proper handling.
  • Who hasn't time to interact with the dog.
  • Who does not have money to pay for any medical expenses.
  • Who does not have the sensitivity to know that one look is worth a thousand words.
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